- Promotions
- Choose Your Sauce 选择酱料
Items with star are recommended by our chef and patrons

Special Soy Sauce 60g 秘制酱青
SGD 0.50

Peanut Flake 花生碎
SGD 0.50

Sesame Oil 芝麻油
SGD 0.50

Parsley 芫茜
SGD 0.60

Thai Spicy Sauce 泰式酸辣酱
SGD 0.70

Chilli Oil 辣椒油
SGD 0.50

Spicy Sauce 香辣酱
SGD 0.70

Barbecue Sauce 沙茶酱
SGD 0.80

Spring Onion 小青葱
SGD 0.50

Flavoured Chilli Flake 风味辣椒面
SGD 0.60

Sambal Chilli Sauce 叁巴辣椒酱
SGD 0.80

Wang Zhihe Leek Flower Sauce 王致和韭菜花酱
SGD 0.80

Mashed Garlic 蒜蓉
SGD 0.50

Chilli Source 风味鸡饭辣椒酱
SGD 0.60

Wang Zhihe Fermented Bean Curd 王致和腐乳
SGD 0.80

Oyster Oil 蚝油
SGD 0.50

Fried Onion 炸葱酥
SGD 0.50

Vinegar 香醋
SGD 0.50

Red Chilli 小辣椒
SGD 0.60

Beef Spicy Sauce 牛肉辣椒酱
SGD 0.80

Sesame Sauce 芝麻酱
SGD 0.60